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24- Repression and Repertoires. With Stephen Morris. 2024.
American Economic Review: Insights 6(3): 413–433.

23- Inspiring Regime Change. With Stephen Morris. 2023. Journal of the European Economic Association 21(6): 2635-81.

22- Grievance Shocks and Coordination in Collective Action. Online Appendix. With Sofia Correa and Gaetan Nandong. 2023. Accepted at American Journal of Political Science.

21- Social Norms and Social Change. With Ethan Bueno de Mesquita. 2023. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 18(3): 339-63.

20- Rebel Motivations and Repression. Online Appendix With Ethan Bueno de Mesquita.  2023. American Political Science Review 117(2): 734-50.

19- Demagogues and the Economic Fragility of Democracy. With Dan Bernhardt and Stefan Krasa. 2022. American Economic Review 112(10): 3331-66.

17- Transparency and Stability. With Dan Bernhardt. 2022. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 17: 121-139.

16- Coordination and Innovation in Judiciaries: Correct Law vs. Consistent Law. With Charles Cameron and Sepehr Shahshahani. 2022. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 17: 61-89.

15- When Do Co-located Firms Selling Identical Products Thrive? With Dan Bernhardt and Evangelos Constantinou.  2022. Journal of Industrial Economics LXX(3): 565-90.

14-The Difficulty of Easy Projects. Online Appendix. With Wioletta Dziuda and Arda Gitmez. 2021. American Economic Review: Insights 3(3): 285-302.

13- Media Freedom in the Shadow of a Coup. With Raphael Boleslavsky and Konstantin Sonin. 2021. Journal of European Economic Association 19 (3): 1782-1815.

12- Tullock Paradox, Pivotal Revolutionaries and the Strength of Weak States. 2021. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 16(3): 245-64.

10- Vanguards in Revolution. With Dan Bernhardt. 2019. Games and Economic Behavior 115: 146-66.

9- Multiplicity and Uniquness in Generalized Regime Change Games.  2019. Journal of Politics 81(1): 303-8.

8- When Can Citizen Communication Hinder Successful Revolution? With Dan Bernhardt. 2017. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 12: 301-23.

6- Youth, Revolution, and Repression. With Peter Haschke. Jan 2015 Draft. First Draft in 2009. Economic Inquiry 54 (2): 778-93.

5- State Censorship. With Dan Bernhardt. 2015. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 7 (2): 280-307. July 2013 Draft. First Draft in 2010. 

4- Simple Decision Rules in Small Group: Collegial Rule v. Rotational Rule. 2015. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 113 (May): 51-63.

3- Extremism in Revolutionary Movements. 2015. Games and Economic Behavior 94: 97-121.

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